When I started in this online entrepreneurship journey, I was told that the way to "sell" was to make lots of broadcast content, hope something hit a pain point, and that potential clients would reach out to book a call or buy my course.
Well if you haven't figured it out by now... that's not really working for us anymore.
I believe the days of "passive" sales have passed, at least for service providers.
There's more noise than ever on social, and on email.
Someone posted something cool on LinkedIn? If I click away, then the post goes away and I have to remember to search for it.
Even for things I want to do - things I've committed to say yes to, things I've signed contracts for - sometimes I get distracted AS I'M MAKING A PAYMENT and don't finish and need to be prompted.
I need routine reminders and nudges for things... especially when time has gone by and then I get embarrassed that I didn't respond to their original email.
Now I love showing up in your email inbox every week and I think it's important to be that presence that shows up regularly as a reminder that you're there. (Although, monthly works too!).
But your busy prospects, and heck even your clients don't read all of your messages, and it's not personal! A number of my clients don't know I have a podcast or a YouTube channel. There's just too much information, too many emails, and if your email happens to arrive on a prospect's desk when they are home with their kids during a snowstorm? Who knows when that email gets replied to.
And sure, if you have a large enough audience, you probably can still make the sales you need to make. But I'm not willing to take that chance... are you?
Be the pattern interrupt.
In this environment, what's passive often just fits into the daily cacophony of our lives.
But when you're proactive? When you're actively showing up in someone's field and interrupting the pattern with something intriguing or something personal?
They might lean in. You might have broken through the noise.
Be personal. Be proactive. Deepen the relationship with your key prospects, partners, and potential clients (and active ones too) at every turn. Reach out regularly, and don't wait for the algorithm to do it for you.
This is the role of an active sales process.
How 'Frank' turned a "No" into a $7,000 opportunity:
Normally, I don't make clickbait-y YouTube videos. But in this one, take guidance from Frank as the "no" started a new conversation, in a generative way for the prospective client.